John Mellencamp: Life, Death, Love and Freedom - to June 2,2018 - New York
John Mellencamp: Life, Death, Love and Freedom ACA Galleries, New York City To June 2, 2018 John Mellencamp named his current art exhibition after his 2008 album In late April, John Mellencamp, the highly-acclaimed musician, took another step forward in his dual career as an artist, with the opening of his second NYC exhibit in 3 years. With Life, Death, Love and Freedom, Mellencamp has taken a new direction, adding mixed-media to his painting style. "Heavily influenced by the German Expressionists, such as Otto Dix and Max Beckmann, whose anguish over human brutality and corruption speaks to his deep feelings about social justice, Mellencamp’s imagery takes its inspiration from the same sources as his music: the oppressive authority and social struggles of the working man and woman. But though that foundation is German, the evolved result is decidedly American, with the brash and snappy visual rhythms of our streets, lives, politics and passions. This can be seen in.....